At FIIG, we offer two frontline services to help clients access information on their FIIG account. One of these is the MyFIIG portal service for FIIG clients, the other is the FIIG app

MyFIIG is essentially your FIIG online portfolio account. As a FIIG client, you should have a username and password to log into the portal. Please contact Client Services on 1800 010 181 if you have not received your MyFIIG login details.
You can access MyFIIG from FIIG’s homepage or via the FIIG App.
Once in MyFIIG, you can access the following features:
- View account information at a glance, including your account valuation, cash flow projections, portfolio breakdown, current holdings and transaction history
- Extract data in excel format across all of your FIIG accounts
- Retrieve documents such as contract notes, statements, coupon and maturity advices, so that you do not have to retain the individual emails we send you
- View information on your Cash Management Account balances if you have linked this to your FIIG account
- Search the latest list of bonds available and review associated Factsheets
- Place online trade requests to your Relationship Manager
- Access a Portfolio Performance report which provides more detailed information on the performance of your bond portfolio, including historical price history graphs, a comparison of cost base (what you paid) against current market valuation, yield and cash flow information for each bond you hold.
MyFIIG is a unique service offering clients 24 hour online access to their fixed income information and trade requests.
For new clients, FIIG will contact you via our induction calls to provide a step by step guide to using the MyFIIG portal. For existing clients, just call your relationship manager for a run through or any questions about using the portal.
See below for a quick guide to the MyFIIG portal
(Right click and select ‘Open in a new tab’ to see each image in full size)
After logging on, you will see a summary home page with all your listed FIIG accounts. Select one for more detail.

Source: FIIG Securities​
Figure 1
The excel data includes:
- Investment accounts
- Client holdings
- Projected cashflow
- Transaction history
- Income payments
- Fees
- Security static
The Summary tab
Once you have selected an account, you will see a summary for the individual account under the Summary tab (red box).

Source: FIIG Securities
Figure 2
Please note that some securities are omitted, such as residential mortgage backed securities.
The Portfolio tab
Main features: Current Portfolio tab, Transaction History tab, CMA Accounts tab.

Source: FIIG Securities
Figure 3

Source: FIIG Securities
Figure 4
Please note that the CMA Accounts tab does not show transaction histories. To access this information, you will need to log on to Macquarie online banking.
The Bonds tab
The Bonds tab allows you to see bond lists. Main features: Featured offers tab, All Pricing tab and Open Requests tab. Please note that online orders are indicative only. Your relationship manager will follow up via email or phone call to confirm your order placement.

Source: FIIG Securities
Figure 5