Tuesday 19 April 2016 by FIIG Securities IGB Opinion

Investment grade bonds - a key ingredient in every portfolio

There are literally thousands of bonds available in the global market and most of them are rated investment grade by the ratings agencies

An investment grade credit rating tells investors’ a company is strong and it gives them confidence to lend.

The higher a company’s rating, the lower the perceived risk to investors and the cheaper it will be for the company to borrow. There are three principal credit rating agencies: Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch. They rate companies and individual securities according to their assessment of their risk.

Bonds are a naturally defensive investment because of their high position in the capital structure. Investment grade bonds are even more so, with the probability of anything going wrong being very low. They give investors a lot of confidence and for that reason should be in every bond portfolio.

The Australian bond market is predominantly an investment grade market with limited sub investment grade or high yield bonds available. In contrast the US market, which is more developed, is split 65/35 investment grade and sub investment grade.

Some bonds have security over specific assets while others have a type of insurance known as a "wrap". Often these wrap clauses will mean the bond gets a higher credit rating and the company issuing the bond can do it cheaper than it could without the enhancement. These features provide added comfort and may not always be adequately priced into the bond.

If you are predominantly investing in bonds to preserve your capital then you should have a high allocation to investment grade bonds of 70% or more depending on your risk appetite.

Because investment grade bonds are such low risk investments you don't need to diversify as much as you would with shares. Some years ago, I suggested a $1 million portfolio in Eureka Report and included a $500,000 allocation to one investment grade bond– a Rabobank fixed rate bond that was trading at a discount - because I liked the risk and reward dynamic. It happened to be rated in the "A" range. It paid coupons (interest payments) as set out in the prospectus and returned capital at first call, just as expected.

Think of investment grade bonds as your bread and butter, the largest component of your portfolio and critical to producing the gourmet sandwich with lots of tasty fillings (the sub investment grade bonds with more attractive returns but also higher risk) to apply sparingly and savour to make the whole.

Below are a number of tables with some investment grade options. If you qualify as a wholesale investor, your smorgasbord is more like Henry VIII's table than for retail investors who are offered a more simple spread.

Wholesale investors can access foreign currency bonds as well as some of the more complex structures such as Residential Mortgage Backed Securities which I don't list here.

Finally, if you haven't already invested in indexed annuity bonds they are worth investigating. Typically they are very low risk investments with great cash flows linked to inflation. Even if you don't want the cashflow, the risk/return equation is sound.

Wholesale Investment Grade Bonds

Company Call date Maturity date Bond type Capital structure Yield to maturity Income/
Running yield
Capital price Face value Capital value
AAI Ltd (Suncorp) 18 November 2020 18 November 2040 Floating Subordinated Debt 5.10% 5.46% 102.244 $50,000 $51,122
Alumina Ltd 19 November 2019 Fixed Senior Debt 6.61% 5.70% 96.500 $50,000 $48,250
ANZ Banking Group Ltd 17 May 2021 17 May 2026 Floating Subordinated Debt 4.62% 4.89% 102.037 $50,000 $51,019
Apple Inc 28 August 2022 Fixed Senior Debt 2.99% 3.56% 104.061 $50,000 $52,031
Apple Inc 28 August 2019 Floating Senior Debt 2.76% 2.93% 100.331 $50,000 $50,166
Asciano Finance Ltd 19 May 2025 Fixed Senior Debt 4.98% 5.15% 101.979 $50,000 $50,990
Downer Group Finance Pty Ltd 11 March 2022 Fixed Senior Debt 4.72% 4.55% 98.880 $50,000 $49,440
Genworth Financial Mortgage 3 July 2020 3 July 2025 Floating Subordinated Debt 6.14% 5.85% 98.857 $50,000 $49,429
Glencore Australia Holdings Pty Ltd 19 September 2019 Fixed Senior Debt 6.32% 4.76% 94.500 $50,000 $47,250
Global Switch Property 23 December 2020 Fixed Senior Debt 4.17% 5.75% 108.741 $50,000 $54,371
Heritage Bank Ltd 24 June 2020 24 June 2025 Floating Subordinated Debt 5.63% 5.75% 100.743 $50,000 $50,372
Insurance Australia Ltd 19 March 2019 19 March 2040 Floating Subordinated Debt 4.34% 5.04% 101.646 $50,000 $50,823
Lend Lease Finance Ltd 13 May 2020 Fixed Senior Debt 4.63% 5.71% 105.005 $50,000 $52,503
Members Equity Bank Pty Ltd 29 August 2019 29 August 2024 Floating Subordinated Debt 5.21% 5.04% 99.090 $50,000 $49,545
Morgan Stanley 22 February 2018 Fixed Senior Debt 3.60% 6.92% 106.604 $50,000 $53,302
QPH Finance Co Pty Ltd (Queensland Port Holdings) 29 July 2020 Fixed Senior Debt 3.64% 5.31% 108.263 $50,000 $54,132
Rabobank Netherlands AU 11 April 2024 Fixed Senior Debt 3.77% 4.92% 111.814 $50,000 $55,907
FBG Treasury Australia Pty Ltd 7 August 2020 Fixed Senior Debt 3.34% 3.69% 101.608 $50,000 $50,804
Stockland Trust 23 November 2022 Fixed Senior Debt 3.95% 4.36% 103.132 $50,000 $51,566
Sun Group Finance Pty Ltd 8 December 2021 Fixed Senior Debt 3.84% 4.65% 105.337 $50,000 $52,668
Sun Group Finance Pty Ltd 16 December 2024 Floating Senior Debt 4.60% 4.38% 100.013 $50,000 $50,007

Note: Rates accurate as at 18 April 2016 but subject to change

Wholesale Foreign Currency Bonds (USD)

Company Rating Maturity date Bond type Yield to maturity Income/
Running yield
Capital price Face value Capital value
AXA SA BBB 15 December 2030 Subordinated Debt 5.04% 6.30% 136.500 $50,000 $68,250
CBS Corp BBB 15 August 2024 Senior Debt 2.80% 3.47% 106.605 $50,000 $53,303
CBS Corp BBB 15 August 2024 Senior Debt 4.77% 4.80% 102.021 $50,000 $51,011
Glencore Finance Canada BBB- 15 November 2021 Senior Debt 5.26% 5.03% 98.500 $50,000 $49,250
Leighton Finance USA Pty BBB- 13 November 2022 Senior Debt 4.96% 5.64% 105.500 $50,000 $52,750
Newcrest Finance Pty Ltd BBB- 1 October 2022 Senior Debt 4.50% 4.27% 98.365 $50,000 $49,182
Newcrest Finance Pty Ltd BBB- 15 November 2021 Senior Debt 4.30% 4.42% 100.733 $50,000 $50,367
Newcrest Finance Pty Ltd BBB- 15 November 2041 Senior Debt 6.49% 6.33% 90.819 $50,000 $45,410
Royal Bank of Canada A- 27 January 2026 Subordinated Debt 4.00% 4.42% 105.208 $50,000 $52,604
Telstra Corp. Ltd A 12 October 2021 Senior Debt 2.17% 4.23% 113.500 $50,000 $56,750
Vodafone Group PLC BBB+ 26 September 2022 Senior Debt 2.39% 2.48% 100.650 $50,000 $50,325
Vodafone Group PLC BBB+ 19 February 2043 Senior Debt 4.58% 4.52% 96.798 $50,000 $48,399

All wholesale foreign currency bonds are in USD
All bonds listed are fixed
Note: Rates accurate as at 18 April 2016 but subject to change

Retail Investment Grade Bonds

Company Call date Maturity date Bond type Yield to maturity Income/
Running yield
Capital price Face value Capital value
Australian Government 15 April 2020 Fixed 1.77% 4.07% 110.448 $50,000 $55,224
Australian Government 20 September 2030 Inflation linked 3.16% 2.00% 142.710 $57,110 $71,355
DBCT Finance Pty Ltd (Dalrymple Bay) 9 June 2021 Floating 6.13% 3.09% 84.903 $50,000 $42,452
Downer Group Finance Pty Ltd 29 November 2018 Fixed 4.09% 5.53% 104.061 $50,000 $52,031
JEM (Southbank) Pty Ltd 28 June 2018 28 June 2020 Fixed 4.25% 6.33% 104.931 $50,000 $52,466
Praeco Pty Ltd 28 July 2022 28 July 2022 Fixed 4.99% 6.59% 108.200 $50,000 $54,100
Qantas Airways Ltd 19 May 2022 Fixed 4.71% 6.69% 115.904 $50,000 $57,952
Qantas Airways Ltd 11 June 2021 Fixed 4.60% 6.63% 113.138 $50,000 $56,569
Qantas Airways Ltd 27 April 2020 Fixed 4.39% 6.04% 107.698 $50,000 $53,849
Queensland Treasury Corporation 14 March 2023 Fixed 3.29% 4.60% 141.386 $50,000 $70,693
Stockland Trust 25 November 2020 Fixed 3.71% 6.93% 119.028 $50,000 $59,514
Sydney Airport Finance* 20 November 2030 CIB 5.96% 3.25% 121.985 $63,545 $60,993
Sydney Airport Finance* 20 November 2020 CIB 5.29% 3.62% 140.916 $67,740 $70,458
Telstra Corp Ltd 15 July 2020 Fixed 3.19% 6.57% 117.920 $50,000 $58,960

Note: Rates accurate as at 18 April 2016 but subject to change
All bonds listed are senior debt
* Inflation linked bonds

Investment Grade Index Annuity Bonds

Company Maturity date Bond type Yield to maturity Income/
Running yield
Capital price Face value Capital value
Australian National University 7 October 2029 IAB 4.75% 3.86% 91.605 $10,000 $9.161
Civic Nexus Finance Pty Ltd 15 September 2032 IAB 5.19% 4.67% 107.703 $10,000 $10,770
JEM NSW Schools II Pty Ltd 28 November 2035 IAB 5.45% 3.85% 100.269 $10,000 $10,027
JEM (Southbank) Pty Ltd 28 June 2035 IAB 5.76% 4.41% 103.411 $10,000 $10,341
MPC Funding Ltd (Melbourne Convention Centre) 31 December 2033 IAB 5.17% 3.87% 100.884 $10,000 $10,088
Novacare Solutions Pty Ltd 15 April 2033 IAB 5.38% 4.01% 97.920 $10,000 $9,792
RWH Finance Pty Ltd (Royal Women's Hospital) 30 June 2033 IAB 6.04% 4.28% 93.547 $10,000 $9,355

Note: Rates accurate as at 19 April 2016 but subject to change
* Wholesale bonds

If you have any questions please call your local dealer or call us on 1800 01 01 081