That’s because of the generous support of its donors and the unique partnership between World Vision and VisionFund. We are not aware of any other development organisation in the world with this synergy of deep development experience coupled with microfinance focused on lifting the most vulnerable out of poverty.

World Vision is one of the largest and most experienced aid and development organisations on the planet who works with people of all cultures, faiths and genders to achieve transformation. It has over 60 years of experience and it works in nearly 100 countries.
Each year World Vision International raises approximately US $2.7 billion towards their mission of bettering the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children. World Vision Australia sends 82.4% of funds to field programs and advocacy work – helping families and communities.
World Vision and VisionFund are child focused charities and at the heart of their mission is protecting and benefiting vulnerable children. The focus areas are: Child Protection, Water Sanitation & Health (WASH), Emergencies, Economic Empowerment (including microfinance), Education and Climate Change.
Economic Empowerment
In the developing world there are limited economic opportunities and unreliable access to nutritious food. It’s difficult for children and families to lead healthy and productive lives.
2.2 billion people live on less than $2 a day, and over one billion live on less than $1.25 a day.
900 million people work but don’t earn enough to escape poverty.
795 million people – one in nine people on Earth – don’t have enough food to lead a healthy life.
This is where World Vision and VisionFund work together to make market relationships more equitable, assisting people with education and skills training, business coaching, small business loans, savings accounts and micro-insurance products to protect families.
VisionFund –Impact statistics (2019)

VisionFund – lifting families out of poverty

VisionFund is motivated by the 3.5m children it serves. It works primarily with women to empower them, give them dignity, increase their respect within their communities and delivers approximately 80% of funds raised to aiding children – giving them better health, education and living conditions.
Its work sustainably lifts families out of poverty and VisionFund thanks FIIG Securities for its generous partnership.
A VisionFund story