Wednesday 08 November 2017 by FIIG Research Company factsheets,Company updates

Noble Holding International USD 7.75% senior unsecured notes Factsheet


We have provided a Factsheet for Noble Holding International January 2024 senior unsecured bonds. 

Noble Holding International Limited (NHIL) is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Noble Corporation (Noble-Cayman, the company, Noble), and is the issuer of the substantial majority of the company's rated debt. Noble-Cayman is a Cayman Islands exempted company and the guarantor of the notes, and is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Noble Corporation plc (Noble-UK).

Noble-UK is a public limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales that is publicly traded and whose shares are listed on The NYSE under the symbol "NE". Noble-UK is not an issuer or a guarantor of the notes.

The company owns and operates one of the most modern, versatile and technically advanced fleets in the offshore drilling industry. Noble performs, worldwide contract drilling services with a fleet of offshore drilling units located worldwide, including the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM), North Sea, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, West Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. Noble’s fleet consists of 14 jack-ups, eight drillships and six semisubmersibles, as at 12 October 2017, and is focused largely on ultra-deepwater and high-specification jack-up drilling opportunities in both established and emerging regions.

Please refer to the Research Report, the Investment Memorandum (IM) and company website for full details on the company and transaction.

Note the Factsheet requires a wholesale login.