Donald Trump has won the US election. He will find the economy strong in some ways with unemployment low and inflation falling, but he will also face a large deficit that will – or perhaps should - curtail plans for large tax cuts or large spending initiatives.
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We've updated our Sample Portfolios for the month.
New issues update
The Labour Market is the second of the RBA’s two mandates and clearly important to the economic health of the country. In this piece we look at some of the developments in the labour market over the recent months and whether we’re arriving at a turning point.
The one-year anniversary of the FIIG Australian Bond (FAB) Fund in October delivered a strong 8.15%* (gross) and 7.51%* (net of fees) return for the period ending 30 September 2024, exceeding the industry (and FAB Fund) standard benchmark index by 1.04%,.
Trade opportunities
The current portfolio yields an indicative 5.34%* to the assumed maturity dates with an approximate $204k spend.
New issues update
How a bond’s return can be expected to evolve depends critically on the shape of the yield curve.
Interview with Garreth Innes - FIIG's Monthly Income Fund Portfolio Manager