Education (advanced)

2014 – year of the CoCo (part 3 - demand)

As discussed in the previous editions, Basel III regulatory developments have forced a change in the way banks can structure capital securities and this has important consequences for demand, particularly from the institutional market

Tuesday 04 February 2014 by
Education (advanced)

2014 – year of the CoCo (part 2 - supply)

As we discussed last week, contingent convertible capital securities (or CoCos as they are more affectionately known) are the new form of hybrid regulatory capital security under Basel III, replacing the old-style step-up subordinated debt and Tier 1 securities

Tuesday 21 January 2014 by
Education (advanced)

2014 – year of the CoCo (part 1)

Contingent convertible capital securities (or CoCos as they are more affectionately known) are the new form of hybrid regulatory capital security under Basel III, replacing the old-style step-up subordinated debt and Tier 1 securities

Tuesday 14 January 2014 by